Paul Williams Finally Withdraws Before Any Further Silly Fundamentalist Claptrap

The ex-president of MDI, international speaker, debater and former-Christian, pro-Sharia advocate, Sufi lover and Muslim revert Paul Williams (PW) has made a post exposing and banning me from from here at (I hope this does not impact my co-author Jose Joesph). 

He claims claiming my theological, philosophical and exegetical defense of the doctrine of the Biblical Trinity is insincere or pretentious due to my aforementioned apostasy of Christianity mentioned (here, here and here).

In essence this criticism is nothing but an ad-hominem: "argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument"

This information was freely accessible and privy to inquisitive prying eyes ever since I have participated in PW's blog earlier this year, anyone has been able to click on my username and come and visit my blog and read about my views directly or even view my page from PW's web-blog sidebar. I have been an open book.

One Muslim who actually bothered to read my "credentials" or at least do a background check, even commented on this:
And if PW had of ready my short biography, he would have noticed I have never refrained from defending or asserting the affirmation of the Biblical Trinity, Incarnation, Divinity of Christ or Hypostatic Union:
"To be clear, I never had a problem with believing in a literal Genesis 1 or 2 or global flood and hence Young Earth Creationism, or the concept of the Trinity or IncarnationI never believed the Bible was changed or corrupted (atleast not to a degree where the message was changed). I was able to believe God being one and many rather easily. I never placed science over the Bible or faith. Science was always subject to Faith. I never thought much of many Muslim objections like: "Where did Jesus say I am God", I thought there was marvelous, spectacular evidence (and still believe the NT teaches Jesus as some kind of super-God like being.) Most biblical contradictions raised by Muslims and Atheists never bothered me either."
Paul believes I am a Western Supremacist (which I don't mind being labelled at all, excluding the fact that I think some obvious regimes like the Obama administration are against Western Supremacy, they do not actively support our ideology), this information was also freely available on my profile:
"I created AnsweringAbraham, I am a skeptic. I cherish freedom. The west has so many flaws, but to work out our own flaws in liberty and as a democracy (without force) will be hard work, but all other ways fail." ~ Derek Adams
For more of my history dealing with PW, check out these links 1, 2, 3, 4 in link 4 especially note PW's position on enabling, supporting, defending Sharia Law.

While it's true I may be boastful in defending the textual veracity of the doctrine of the Trinity, I believe this is justified, while PW's rarely active, shallow claptrap has no substance at all, this can clearly be seen from the following massive thread, where if you specifically focus on the posts of Paul, you will see nothing substantial offered to me or almost anyone else for that matter, including Royalson. All credit due to the Unitarian David in this regard for most of the time trying to interact with the opposition and passionately defending his own unbiblical thoughts.

It truly is a day in history to be ranked along or even mentioned along with my brother and friend Sam Shamoun. While we sometimes have arguments, and may occasionally disagree and fight, no one can deny Sam Shamoun is truly a self-made scholar, a supremely brilliant teacher who deserves tremendous praise and respect for his hard work and contribution to the historical Muslim-Christian dialogue, from upgrading it from the likes of Ahmed Deedat, Anis Shorrosh, Jamal Baddawi, Zakir Naik, to actually substantive based interaction and polemics, the name that every dawahgandist fundamentalist Muslim fears: Sam Shamoun. A man who has made complex scholarship eloquently simple to the public. Whether you like him or hate him, you must address him. And I will be happy to defend the transparent scholarship of Shamoun over the shallow, flimsy claptrap offered by PW.

Finally, in the spirit of open honesty that I have always had on this blog and elsewhere. I will need to update my blog regarding my own world view, as some of these articles are close to two years old. I believe I am in the process of transforming into a new position, I believe my former atheism is now trumped and I lay somewhere between agnostic and desiring Christ. I do not want to make any rash decisions or attempts like my former years, I would rather ride this out and see where God takes me. In one sense I feel like my position and knowledge upgrade every day, so I never know where I will end up, I perpetually transform. However I do take serious scholarship of the Bible seriously (e.g. Erhman who I think is brilliant but not always correct), I do not believe in hell, and I may just be unorthodox in other regards aswell. Simply put: I am a work in progress.

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