Reza Aslan Master Schemer And Snake

For the common person this is a thoroughly convincing performance and he comes across as an educated, brilliant speaker. After some more deeper research, anyone can discover the deceptive distortions.

  • Claim 1 "Very few people would blame Catholicism or Christianity"

Sounds good! but completely unverified, and highly unlikely considering a vast amount of Protestants, Muslims, Hindus and Atheists do credit Catholicism explicitly with it's dark past and intolerance. No evidence for this claim at all.

  • Claim 2 "If you are a Christian living over there, you have different beliefs about Jesus from these Christans over here.... likewise with Muslims on Islam" 

Aslan attempts to confuse the audience and connect beliefs about Jesus with location. When really the only beliefs about Jesus that differ are not due to location but rather doctrine, it just so happens that some areas contained more orthodox, catholic or protestants than others. But this master deceiver does not manage to point out they all agree on the fundamentals. Jesus is God and Man. Jesus is the second person of God, Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus was crucified, buried and Resurrected.

He then equates this example of Christians to the same scenario with Muslim beliefs about Islam, pluralism tolerance and diversity, as if Christianity and Islam do not have fundamentals, and beliefs are vast and completely diverse, opposed and complex all dependent on "living conditions". Sam Harris thankfully has already refuted this lie. Terrorists are quite often "not" low class, they are middle or high class, he mentions a few examples in the video.

  • Claim 3 Religion alone cannot explain homicide bombing. It doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Religion doesn't have to explain the specific incident of homicide bombing, it does explain the motivating dogmatism and fundamentalism behind it.

  • Claim 4 The Muslim Brotherhood is NOT a Jihadist organisation, they have no objectives similar or like Al Queda. Completely different

Of course this is the most obvious and fake claim of them all. Muslim Brotherhood may not engage in terrorism like Al Qaeda(more likely it is rarely reported), but the objective of Sharia Law in Muslim Lands (and even Western) is identical as seen in Egypt today.

  • Claim 5 "Terrorist justifications are not religious in nature but caused by a list of injustices caused by the West, Terrorists saturate this in religious language, just like Christians do the same in America in Politics"

Of course the master deceiver confuses issues. First of all he doesn't clarify that Islam is an ideology that doesn't separate itself from worldly injunctions, it's religious nature is connected to a fully and complete socio-political lifestyle. Sharia encompasses every area of life, we are talking down to the level of even a minute detail like that of stepping into the bathroom or even burping. For every action Islam defines a reaction, Mosque and State are entirely inseparable. This means politics and religion are also both entirely religious in nature.

Of course the master taqiyist does not mention the doctrines of Shayed(Martyrdom), Jihad(spiritual/physical struggle/war) or the notion of the Cosmic Religious Apocalypse and polarized division between believers and disbelievers.

But what is most fundamentally unjust is this man simply has no clue what he is talking about, he has never read a terrorist manifesto in his life.

According to the now deceased Osama Bin Ladin:
"War "fundamentally religious" 
This clearly indicates the nature of this war. This war is fundamentally religious. The people of the East are Muslims. They sympathized with Muslims against the people of the West, who are the crusaders. Those who try to cover this crystal clear fact, which the entire world has admitted, are deceiving the Islamic nation. They are trying to deflect the attention of the Islamic nation from the truth of this conflict. This fact is proven in the book of God Almighty and in the teachings of our messenger, may God's peace and blessings be upon him. Under no circumstances should we forget this enmity between us and the infidels. For, the enmity is based ON CREED. "Muslims must stand together"We must be loyal to the believers and those who believe that there is no God but Allah. We should also renounce the atheists and infidels. It suffices me to seek God's help against them.God says: "Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion." It is a question of faith, not a war against terrorism, as Bush and Blair try to depict it. Many thieves belonging to this nation were captured in the past. But, nobody moved. The masses which moved in the East and West have not done so for the sake of Osama.  
Rather, they moved for the sake of their religion. This is because they know that they are right and that they resist the most ferocious, serious, and violent Crusade campaign against Islam ever since the message was revealed to Muhammad, may God's peace and blessings be upon. After this has become clear, the Muslim must know and learn where he is standing vis-a-vis this war." (source)
While Osama Bin Ladin would agree that the "Crusaders" have been the aggressors in the last 83 (now 95) years, Bin Ladin views this as a perpetual cosmic religious battle between Islam and the Crusaders:
"Rather, they moved for the sake of their religion. This is because they know that they are right and that they resist the most ferocious, serious, and violent Crusade campaign against Islam ever since the message was revealed to Muhammad, may God's peace and blessings be upon. After this has become clear, the Muslim must know and learn where he is standing vis-a-vis this war...  
What can those who allege that this is a war against terrorism say? What terrorism are they speaking about at a time when the Islamic nation has been slaughtered for tens of years without hearing their voices and without seeing any action by them? " (source)
Latest stage in "Crusade"
There is no power but in God. Let us investigate whether this war against Afghanistan that broke out a few days ago is a single and unique one or if it is a link to a long series of crusader wars against the Islamic worldFollowing World War I, which ended more than 83 years ago, the whole Islamic world fell under the crusader banner - under the British, French, and Italian governments. They divided the whole world, and Palestine was occupied by the British. Since then, and for more than 83 years, our brothers, sons, and sisters in Palestine have been badly tortured. Hundreds of thousands of them have been killed, and hundreds of thousands of them have been imprisoned or maimed. (source)
Of course this supposed "crusader/zionist" occupation of Palestine was justification enough for terrorism in Palestine. But where did Bin Ladin's real problem begin? 

Well it turns out this hypocrite made no objection to the American Crusaders helping Afghans fight against Russians (since Russians aren't Muslims) in the 80's. But something different happened in 1990. 
The Saudi decision to allow US troops into the country in 1990 to defend against a possible attack by Saddam Hussein upset bin Laden. From his point of view, "for the Muslim Saudi monarchy to invite non-Muslim American troops to fight against Muslim Iraqi soldiers was a serious violation of Islamic law" (DeLong-Bas, Natana (2007). Wahhabi Islam. London: I. B. Tauris. pp. 267–269.)
Now why would Osama Bin Ladin be upset with allowing Americans in Saudi? Of course Americans are not allowed to support Muslims fight Muslims this violates Islamic Law. But of course, the Quran Chapter 9:28 specifically teaches idolaters were no longer allowed to enter the sacred mosque, along with that went the expulsion of all Pagans, Jews and Christians from Arabia as prescribed by the Prophet Mohammed. That's two violations in one stone!

So it does turn out all the criticism of Saudi offered by Osama Bin Ladin is truly religious and Islamic in nature. Bin Ladin is adhering to Islam, Saudi is not.

Of course a masterful deceiver like Reza Aslan isn't going to tell his audience all of these facts, because then as Sam Harris mentions people would know Osama Bin Ladin is advocating a plausible version of Islam.

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