NYC Mayor Defends Kelly, but Says Anti-Muslim Film Caused Damage

As his administration faces a firestorm over a video shown to hundreds of police officers that depicted Muslims as extremists, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg conceded on Thursday that the episode had damaged relations between the city’s Islamic community and the Police Department.

While the mayor defended the police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, who has apologized for the showing of the film to officers, he acknowledged that Mr. Kelly would have to work harder to improve trust among Muslims. The video, called “The Third Jihad” was shown for months to officers receiving anti-terrorism training. (source)

New york has a history of being attacked by Muslim extremists. But hey might aswell tell off the Mayor and Commissioner for trying to prevent it! What's pathetic is they both are already disavowing the film.

And now I present you the film itself, you be the judge:

1 comment:

  1. The maker was condemned for endorsing some remarks made by the Anti-Islamic Norwegian Terrorist:
