Anjem Choudary Move Aside!

While Anjem Choudary continues to make as much noise as possible. His ultimate objective is to see Sharia Law in U.K. Mr Choudary has not openly advocated terrorism, only large criticisms of the West and strict Islamic adherence.

What makes this rather funny is the Muslims over at MDI have disowned Mr Choudary and wonder why he gets so much media attention.

But the irony is these Muslims over at MDI agree with Choudarys ultimate belief and objective:

Taken from here:
"Our Belief

MDI takes as it sole adopted beliefs, the Islamic creed (Aqeedah), that it holds there to be no God except the one God, and Muhammed (pbuh) as His final Prophet and Messenger. MDI also believes in all the preceding prophets named in the Quran. Furthermore, the MDI holds that the Quran is a revealed communication from God and thus held to be true and accurate. The examples and sayings of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) are a universal example for us to hold onto for all times and places. Lastly, we hold that since humans have not changed in essence and nature since their beginning, the laws of Islam (shariah) are unchanging and relevant to all times and places. Thus MDI believes that Islam is intellectually sound, and a perfect and complete way of life for mankind."
Question: What is the difference between Choudary and MDI?

Well the only difference is "presentation". While Mr Choudary protests often comes across as extreme as the EDL, MDI merely advocates the same thing without all the noise and without the personality cult.

Question: How many "MDIs" are out there? "Intellectually" debating their way to Sharia?

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