"Pastor Samuel Green Insults and Abuses Muslims"
This is because Mr. Green refers to Muslims with there politically incorrect but proper name: "Mohammedans".
Itaz Ahmad has lost all credibility (once again caught lying in the act!). Turns out Samuel Green was referring to an early group of Mohammedans, and not all Muslims at all!

Itaz Ahmad has lost all credibility (once again caught lying in the act!). Turns out Samuel Green was referring to an early group of Mohammedans, and not all Muslims at all!
Hence according to Christians, Muslims submit to Mohammed and not the true God. It is therefore highly doubtful that Samuel Green is insulting Mohammedans, but rather just presenting his own perspective that they follow Mohammed rather than God, similar to how Muslims refer to Christians as Pauline.
Yet this should be even less problematic for Muslims, since they openly acknowledge all humans ought to submit to Mohammed:
Then the Prophet(P) said: "By the One Who owns Muhammad's soul, if Moses(P)appeared to you and you followed him and left me, you would go astray from the right path and if he were alive and reached [the time of] my prophethood he would have followed me. " (source)
In addition, this is a rather peculiar objection since Itaz himself has a history of explicitly insulting Christians, even having no problem insulting Samuel, our Church Fathers and all Christians.
Itaz himself even has no problem using Muslim descriptions and terminology in describing his view of Christians and Christianity:
We have two possibilities here.
- Itaz is lying about Samuel Green
- Itaz is ignorant and hypocritical
My assertion that it is highly dubious Samuel Green was insulting Muslims has been validated.
Prediction (1) has now been verified by Samuel Green.
The sunnis are called Ahlul Sunnah (Followers of Muhamad' statutes ) , so what's the beef then ?
ReplyDeleteBtw another holes for Sunni islam:
Eternal Word of Allah allowed Muttah
Word of Muhammad prohibited muttah afterward ( No word of Allah annulled muttah,so it's entirely muhamads)
Eternal Word of Allah explicitly prohibits in eating ALL KIND of dead animals. (Surah 5:3)
Word of Muhammad allows in eating dead locust
By the same token, locusts are exempted from the category of "dead animals." The Prophet (peace be on him) gave permission to eat dead locusts, as the question of slaughtering them does not arise. Said Ibn Abu Awfa, "We went with the Prophet (peace be on him) on seven expeditions, and we ate locusts with him." (Reported by all the authentic collections of ahadith excepting that of Ibn Majah.)
source : http://www.2muslims.com/directory/Detailed/226100.shtml#The%20Exemption%20of%20Sea%20Food%20and%20Locusts
At same cases Allah' commands are unquestionably inferior to Muhammads
So to identify Sunnis as some sort of cult called "Mohammedans" is very reasonable.
The crazy thing is that I did not use the name "Muhammadean" to refer to all Muslims. I used it in reference to an article (How Muhammad Became the Final Prophet) in which I was talking about the different groups of Muslims in the early years of Islam. Some were "Muhammadean" in that they only followed Muhammad other Muslims followed Muhammad plus their own tribal prophet and so were not strictly "Muhammadean" in that sense, and we only have the history from these Muhammadean Muslims.
ReplyDeleteThanks for clarifying Samuel, I find it highly doubtful that you would be insulting anyone. I added your comment to the post.
ReplyDelete@Reverend Samuel Green
ReplyDeleteThat's why u are a minister of Gospel brother !
On the other hand for lay person such as me , to identify muslim as Muhammedean is quite suitable. :)
well that is expected from iljaz. He is just like yahya who still won't give a good and logical explanation on why he keeps deleting posts(also he refused to post it up in first place). especially when it helps supports his case against sam shamoun.
ReplyDeleteGlad that someone else noticed how many posts Ijaz deletes to save his tracks.
ReplyDeleteGreat Job again from the number one Tabloid Journalist on the web.
ReplyDelete@ mark
ReplyDeleteI should be more clear
I was refering to Yahya on deleting posts issue. not sure if iljaz. issue Both have common is that they don;t read through posts carefully and end up misrepresenting a position. I still haven;t forgotten the stuff where he said samuel could only answer only 1/3 of his arguments in a debate when samuel said he didn;t have time to answer 1/3. big differance