The Rochdale sex ring shows the horrific consequences of Britain's 'Islamophobia' witch-hunt

So now we can see the outcome of the witch-hunt against ‘Islamophobia’.

With the conviction of nine men for organised sexual crimes from rape to sex trafficking, the full horrific details of more than two decades of sexual violence against young, predominantly white girls living in children’s homes in the north of England have been revealed.

The gang lured an officially estimated 47 girls (the figure may well be higher) aged 12 to 16 with gifts, alcohol and drugs before passing them around to have sex ‘with several men a day, several times a week’ in flats, houses, cars, taxis and kebab shops.

After phone calls inviting them to come and have sex with a girl, men would turn up to do so by the taxi-load. One 13 year-old was forced to have sex with 20 men in one night.

(Later in article)...
As for the police, they refused to take seriously the first girl who came forward in 2008 to say a gang of men had repeatedly raped her on successive days – with the result she was sent right back into the hands of her abusers.

The Telegraph reports that in the four months after she spoke to the police, she was driven to a succession of sordid flats and houses where she would be raped by up to five men each night, four or five days a week. 
In the case of this girl, it’s possible that her story was dismissed on the grounds that as a child in care she was not a credible witness – itself a pretty damning indictment of official attitudes. But the overwhelming reason for the failure for two decades to take the appropriate action to halt this systematic abuse was undoubtedly that when it comes to matters to do with minorities or Islam, the British mind simply switches off.
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Do you think if these Pakistanis were ATHEIST or SECULAR HUMANIST this would of happened?
Since the answer is obvious, I encourage my secular brothers to get out there and give these people real reason to reject Islam and the culture that it produces..

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