Human Rights Watch calls for acceptance of Islamist arise to power

"The United States and other Western governments contingency accept a new existence that Islamists have emerged to fill a energy opening in a Arab universe after a call of renouned uprisings, Human Rights Watch pronounced in a annual news Sunday.

The New York-based organisation also urged Islamist parties, that have emerged as a biggest winners in new elections in Tunisia and Egypt and are approaching to transport good in Libya, to honour a rights of women and eremite minorities, observant they can't “pick and choose” when it comes to tellurian rights. 

Islamist parties are “genuinely popular” in a Arab world, pronounced HRW’s executive director, Kenneth Roth, warning that “ignoring that recognition would violate approved principles. (more here)”

A New York human rights organization is telling us to accept Islamist and urging them to remember libertarian rights when enforcing there Sharia Law? Are all human rights organizations this stupid? "Oh yes take over your people with 7th century political policy, remember to treat them with dignity", Are you this mad? How many Saudi Arabia's do we need? This organization can't be stupid enough to not know that a blueprint for sharia (like Saudi, that still have in-numerous violations of human rights) is coming to the Arab Spring and they are approving of these violations

Like the deceased Hitchens did, I worry about events like this. What would people who believe in an apocalyptic messianic view of the world do with nuclear weapons?

Similarly what would Muslims who are about to have Sharia Law in full (but not quite yet) actually do? Why would anyone in there right mind be thinking a country should be governed based on 7th century policy? What would there foreign policy be? What will the Arab Spring and Egypt look like? What kind of people are we dealing with? people who want GOD to rule in the 21st century? People who want society to be based on the rules of ancient fables. Why is it the brotherhood always qualifies it's use of "freedom" "democracy" and "human and women rights" with which is consistent with "Sharia Law"?

Can Obama and Hillary be this stupid?

It will happen in the long term

"American leaders cannot ignore the fact that the security partnership Washington had with Cairo for more than 30 years is in serious jeopardy.

Some have sugar-coated the Islamists' ascendance by arguing that the responsibility of governance will moderate them. Experience suggests otherwise. Islamist governments in Iran, Sudan and Gaza have proved resilient and uncompromising against massive international pressure, none of which Egypt is likely to face anytime soon. And Turkey—the model du jour—went through a generation of military-supervised rule before its Islamists, twice banished from politics by the generals, finally found a formula for governance.(more here)"

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