Part 1 Narcissism & Convoluted Deception
Christian blogs addressing Islam rarely interact with Ijaz Ahmad anymore, every now and then it is necessary to remind Ijaz why this is the case, although unfortunately he maybe incapable of comprehending this because of his mental problems.
(Re)introducing Ijaz Ahmad (in case you had
forgotten his level of grandeur):
"We have brother Ijaz...Ahmad, Ahmad is a 20 YEAR OLD MUSLIM SPEAKER from the Caribbean island of Trinidad...Trinidad Tobago, he also holds THE UNIQUE DISTINCTION of being a Muslim Trinidadian, i.e. a Trinidadian by nationality, being from Trinidad. Ijaz.. is a debater and a speaker for the London based, Muslim debate initiative and academic Muslim think tank featuring scholars and professionals from all fields and sciences who engage in professional discourse with non-Muslims. He also runs and maintains several interfaith groups, websites and pages, most notably his own organisation: CallingChristians, which can be found at He attended presentation college, a PRESTIGIOUS CATHOLIC academic institution that has BIRTHED HIS COUNTRIES TWO PRIME MINISTERS AND IT'S CURRENT PRESIDENT. He is KNOWN for his articles, debates, PEER COUNSELING and most recently his ENDEAVORS TO COUNCIL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS. As recently as last Wednesday he engaged in a now published debate with renowned Christian apologist and speaker PASTOR Samuel Green of Answering Islam and Answering Muslims titled: "An incarnate God: fact or fiction?". He's currently a student at university, a university student, he spends his time studying philosophy, theology and history." (Dialogue with Bob Siegel)
Have you ever heard of a debater being introduced with there "age"? Not likely. That is unique to Ijaz, he finds his 'youth' and 'inexperience' to be important to his victim complex and sexual fetishes. But over all it seems at-least in his own community Ijaz Ahmad's reputation proceeds him! However unfortunately in the above dialogue Ijaz was caught lying about his own abilities to boost his credibility to the ignorant audience members as Anthony Rogers points out:
"One of the more notable aspects of this discussion was Ijaz pretending to know Hebrew and claiming that he was working directly from NA27. I kid you not. He was actually claiming to be reading the Hebrew of Zechariah from a text-critical edition of the Greek NT. Even people who don't know Hebrew can recognize on sight the difference between Hebrew and Greek."
Before this exchange Ijaz had accused Bob Siegel (his debate opponent) of being an immature under cover Muslim, the easiest Christian to debate and defeat and impossible to lose against (
click here for the full story).
It is surprising that Ijaz would expend energy and prepare such a long time and been so eager to debate such an incompetent opponent. However after having evaluated Ijaz's own performance against (conceivably) the
worst Christian apologist (judging by his own assessment) we are now left wondering whether Ijaz himself is actually a Christian plant since he lost to the worst apologist ever,
even one that it was
impossible to lose against! Ijaz has now usurped Bob's supposed former status. Bob not only easily held his own but Allah made it appear to many of us, showing us Bob was the clear winner.
Mike the host who introduces Ijaz credentials, clearly doesn't know who Ijaz is, he even struggles to pronounce his name or understand his accent. This shows us the submitted credentials of Ijaz were given to Mike and Bob by Ijaz. However
some of these credentials are as questionable as the other demonstrably false claims Ijaz made in the debate:
- Where has Samuel Green ever claimed to be a Pastor? And what and where is his Church he pastors at?
- Why is it a unique distinction to be a Muslim Trinidadian? Muslims constitute 6 percent of the population on Trinidad and Tobago, representing 65,318 individuals.
- What evidence is there for the assertion that Ijaz is known for his peer counseling especially of domestic abuse victims?
- What scholars from all fields and sciences at MDI are involved with professional discourse with non Muslims? I wasn't away there was 'one scholar' from any field let alone all of them and on top of that they are debating non-Muslims?
- What is this anonymous: "Muslim Think Tank"? And it if filled with scholars from all fields and sciences who engage in lectures and discourse with non-Muslims why can it not be found on Google? "Muslim Think Tank" is very vague. Provide the website so we can evaluate the 'scholarly' credentials from 'all fields and sciences'.
But this is not the first time Ijaz has lied about certain facts:
Then after knowingly lying about Christian theology he tries to deliberately twist Sam Shamoun to vindicate his lies:

I have quoted Sam Shamoun in context
here. How did Ahmad looks pass glaring title of the article? maybe, cognitive bias. But perhaps he didn't lie? After all we can't expect Muslims to understand Christian Theology perfectly, maybe they sometimes make mistakes.
Unfortunately Ijaz repeated the same lies two years after this event, he still asserts:
"According to Christian belief, Elohiym can either refer to the Father (God) or the Godhead (all three persons of the Trinity). If Christ is claiming to be the Elohiym of Exodus 3:14 then there exists a major problem." (more here)
Part 2 Obsession, Abuse and Cognitive Dissonance
Ijaz has
insulted all Christians including the deceased Church Fathers, and Protestant Reformers (who are unable to respond) 20th century apologists and contemporary believers, which means he also degraded the Catholic staff, teachers and students at his own former college (presentation). Ijaz claims you would have to be a fool to believe in what Christians believe about God's nature because it makes no sense, it's unknowable. He claims he was: "offended" by Samuel Green's preaching he felt "spoken down to" in a debate about the very topic he was there to discuss.
On another occasion he asserted that Samuel Green insulted and even "abused" Muslims for calling them "Mohammedans", while publicly referring to Christians as "Pauline" throughout his own articles. He tried to publicly humiliate Samuel Green by making a blog post about this.
When Samuel Green pointed out that he had only referred to an early group of Muslims as Mohammedans and not all Muslims, Ijaz removed the Facebook page from public eye. However this is not the first time Ijaz when has felt humiliated enough to feel compelled into removing a post. He removed
my posts from his open debate forum on Facebook. Anthony Rogers also reports the same:
"As for Ijaz's comment that Zechariah 12:10 is not a prophecy about the death of Christ, which has absolutely nothing to do with Ijaz's stunning defeat at the hands of Bob, the fact is that Ijaz was so thoroughly exposed on this issue that he had to take down an exchange that took place between us on Facebook. " (Ijaz Goes Bobbing for Apples and Ends Up Drowning in Three Inches of Water)
Ijaz has complains about White's company, yet he has allowed
violent threats to be posted on his page. When he is caught
he removes them and veins ignorance. Mr Ahmad has made unprovoked attacks calling C.L. Edwards as an "idiot" and "freak show" and Anthony Rogers as "brain dead" in a formal professional debate. One time after politely discussing an uploaded video to you YouTube, Ijaz suddenly became abusive and vulgar and told a Christian brother (and fellow
guest author on this blog:
Radical Moderate/Robert Wells) to: "
take your rectum out of your head, old man". (
source). Signifying that Mr Ahmad views himself as 'young' and Christian men as old 'predators'
Part 3 Fixation on Sex
Recently again Ijaz decided to post an article this time about Sam Shamoun. Ijaz in an attempt to sound intelligible opens it with: "
I’ve had the unfortunate experience of having a “conversation” with Sam Shamoun". Actually Ijaz you've had
dozens of conversations with Sam Shamoun, and you've pointed out time and time again you are the alleged victim of his abuse in many of these exchanges.
However here you are "
again" engaging with Sam Shamoun who you view as psychologically abusive, a
tormentor if you will. You are like an abused victim repeatedly returning to the perpetrator. But you should know better because you council domestically abused individuals. I suppose you are also a patient of such abuse, you also need counselling which is why you council others, but you have denied yourself such a useful service, I would seriously reconsider. Perhaps a Catholic from presentation college would be willing to pay for a highly qualified and professional therapist on your behalf.
Further down in the post we learn that Ijaz published this article to tell us about what Sam thinks about sex. Apparently Sam Shamoun quoting several hadith showing that Sauda, one of Mohammed's wives was fat, old and unattractive so that Mohammed never spent time with her. This in Ijaz's mind was supposed to mean that Sam Shamoun is obsessed with 'sex'. I don't know how anyone with a rationally sane mind could conclude such things, but this is the same person who thought that James White's 'associates' (who we are not)
had bizarre sexual fetishes, as if that was suppose to be worth while blog material? Why would professional apologist post about the alleged sexual fantasies of others? Ijaz Ahmad even claimed to be the object of a rape threat perpetrated by Sam Shamoun and Radical Moderate, Ijaz is truly the product of a fixated perverse sexual fantasies which he projects on to his imagined tormentors like Samuel Green and others. Unfortunately he has even projected C.L Edwards who preach the Gospel and exposed Islam as a sexual predator:

Ijaz refers to himself as a 'young teenage boy' and CL Edwards a strange older man, despite Mr. Edward's intention to preach his faith. This is interesting because Ijaz has a fetish with his age being rather young, he brings this up at every debate and has many articles on his websites about Priests and Young Boys, part of his obsessive compulsive complex. There is no doubt that Ijaz's Father (whether a priest or his own biological Father) abused him emotionally, physically and sexually, and Ijaz actually needs very serious professional help. I advise Christians to avoid referring to Ijaz as a 'young man' as this reminds Ijaz of dark times that he has not yet been able to psychologically recover from.
Besides this, what Ijaz deliberately omits in his post is his accusation that Shamoun lives like a pig and needs to fast:
"I am praying for you Sam, I pray that you lose the weight you have been begging God to help you lose. Islam has a solution for that, it’s called fasting, but hey, if you choose to eat and live like a pig because of your faith; then I got a tip for ya, it isn’t the food, it’s your behaviour!"
Ijaz often makes posts on his blog about abuse and sex, of which he says: "
Naturally, when a person uses certain terms repeatedly, it is because these ideas and thoughts are constantly on their minds. They are frequently fixated on these topics and acts, these desires." Ijaz then informs us that he spends his time searching for these types of words: "
If one is to spend time examining the content of the messages that Sam Shamoun sends, he always uses these sexually charged comments with Muslims". Ijaz I have to say this awfully disturbing to see that you actually proactively look for such filth from your abusive tormentor Sam Shamoun, this is disturbing and unhealthy to say the least, I again recommend a therapist or psychologist. I'm sure your therapist would tell you the same I have. You are actually using your discussion about Sam Shamoun to express sexual thoughts and fetishes and desires. Your repeated usage of the term 'sex' (18 times) or 'sexual' (14 times) only in one single post is actually quite creepy and you need to stop expressing your sexual ideas about Sam Shamoun in public. Your candid confession that you find pillars, rocks and stones to be 'phallic' is sickening to say the least. I honestly recommend you take the time out from writing public posts because your obsession with sex and older men is becoming overwhelming for your readers, here is just a quite recollection on what you post about on your blog:
- Punishing the Female Rape Victim in Islam
- Christianity Promotes Fornication: Evangelical Youths Loving Sex
- German Priest Admits 280 Counts of Sexual Abuse
- 200 Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse in California
- Culture of Pornography
- Sam Shamoun, Anthony Rogers & Radical Moderate Perverted Statements.
- 72 Virgins? Does Allah Give Sexual Bribes?
- Australian Roman Catholic Church Admits to Major Child Sex Abuse
- German Priests Carried Out Sexual Abuse for Years
- Radical Moderate’s Homosexual Fantasies
- Elder of 7th Day Adventist Church, Principal on 14 Sexual Assault Charges
- Sam Shamoun’s Obsession with Muslims and Sex
- 29 Sexually Explicit, Profane and Dirty Stories and Verses in the Bible
Here is the kind of news Ijaz likes to report:
Ijaz finds this kind of article 'germane' and 'interesting' for an apologetics blog (no doubt because Ijaz has sex posted all over his blog and loves hearing about priests), and even refers to sexual frustration and an outlet (psychological projection).
But here is some of the most shocking of them all:
Ijaz not only reports such news he gives an x rated analysis of the report! But what is even worse is he wants David Wood and Sam Shamoun (who are old men according to Ijaz, while Ijaz is young and innocent victim) to comment on this filth, and wants to know what they think about male genitalia:
But this is not the first time in public Ijaz has revealed his fetish with the male genitalia.
In a previous debate held with Anthony Rogers after Ijaz inaccurately describing what Christians have worshiped, he proceeds to explain the final item we worship:
23:59:"Lastly in their fervor and zealous craze, they've even worshiped the foreskin of a man, that is the holy prepuce"
He likes to talk about his sexual fetish on his website. In his post (, Ijaz says:
"Circumsized, ate and evidently went to W.C?
8) Luke 2:21 “And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.”
Is anyone not familiar with the meaning of the word “circumcised”? Just in case, circumcision simply means:
“Male circumcision is the surgical removal of some or the entire foreskin (prepuce) from the penis.”
Seriously, I am even ashamed of myself by saying this. How could anyone attribute such a thing to the Almighty God? HE HAD THE DIRTY PART OF HIS GENITALS CUT? DIRTY AND THIS PART? Unfortunately, Christians do not realize the extent of blasphemy they are uttering by believing that God was a man, a fully human being."
For more on Ijaz Ahmad's psychological and sexually bizarre history please visit
Now as Christians we should honestly pray for Ijaz to find peace and alleviation from his dark sexual and tormented history. But Ijaz you need professional help, there is no denying it now. Your sexual fetishes and fears are becoming very public and you should stop posting until you get this issue dealt with.