Osama Review

Here are my thoughts on the two debates uploaded by Osama so far. Not necessarily on the content, because Osama is not much on substance, well, almost nothing.

The first debate he uploaded:


Osama was annihilated. Especially  Declore's first cross examination section, Osama was stumped, because he just repeats information that is copied and pasted off his website, yet his website doesn't actually bother to validate anything it asserts, other than making his words colorful, bold and large, as if that is some how effective?

I would like to honestly know a single lexical source that says "Son of God" in the Quran or Bible means "Righteous Servant". Especially when he says "The Quran defines it as" LOL. That must have been one of the biggest blunders.

The second debate:


I don't really call this much of a debate, but more a Circus.

What is painfully clear and obvious to everyone but you Osama, is you are not a debater, nor should you ever try to be one. You can't even respect the basic etiquette and rules of a debate, let alone control your conduct. It is not acceptable to behave like a savage when you are invited to participate in seriously scholarly discussion Osama. It is not acceptable to call people "liars", "cowards", "pagans", "Infidels" and make repeated insults. It is not respectful to come to a debate unprepared and have no scholarly sources for claims you repeatedly make, e.g. EGO EIMI being "I was". At least come with some basic knowledge of the topic. You said you don't know English or Greek grammar, then how do you expect to know how EGO EIMI should be translated?

Maybe we should give you a list of do's and donts , you know what children get to learn even younger than 5.

No insulting. No name calling. No interrupting. No shouting, no yelling. No bringing up new arguments in the closing section. No talking over people, no disobeying the moderator. Follow the rules given by the moderator. No make up exuses like "I'm tired". No wasting peoples time, stay focused and on subject. Do not merely make "assertions", provide "evidence". Do not provide your own interpretation, provide EXEGESIS. Stick to the topic. Do not make wild irrelevant rants, do not ramble, do not make red herrings. And for God sake DON'T ACT AS IF A CROSS EXAMINATION IS A REBUTTAL SECTION AND A CLOSING STATEMENT IS A CHANCE TO BRING UP NEW INFORMATION.

The funniest part of the debate which I believe caused the thump created by Rogers.. and the laughter in the audience by Shamoun was when Osama proclaimed himself one of some pioneers defending the Quran against charges of bestiality. I literally was laughing out loud, I'm sure it would of been even more funnier and dazzling in person. If only the audience knew what a shit talker Osama is. lol

Besides Osama needing to give up his debate career and cocky attitude (albeit all bark and no bite), I honestly wish him the best and hope he actually makes some improvement before he dies.

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