Truth About Libyan Invasion

" Top United States Senate Democrats[32] Carl Levin, Dick Durbin and Jack Reed spoke out in support of the no-fly zone.[32] Levin said Obama proceeded in a way that is cautious and thoughtful”[32] while Durbin aid Obama worked to build an “international base of support” among U.S. allies and Arab nations before authorizing any U.S. attack on Qadhafi forces.[32] All three members were opponents of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[32]"

It always amazes me the same people who were against the Iraq/Afghan war, are for the war in Libya because a black democrat and illegitimate council puts their stamp of approval on the war.

Here is the invasion from another perspective:

Just so you know America's participation in this invasion was illegal, and Obama was sued for it. Check that out here. (read everything). Unfortunately they failed, but only because of legal loopholes.

And for a smaller summary:

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