How to have an ACTUAL conversation? + "The problem with Atheism?"

Tyson makes two points I agree with and one I disagree with.

Firstly as soon as you give yourself the label "atheist" or "naturalist" or "theist" you get all the baggage along with it. How should you even begin a conversation is by not assuming anything about the person, let them unfold to you. This debate world would like so much better. Now i'm not saying this to do this 24/7, sure you are going to be having those emotional dramatic debates etc where the positions are clearly defined, and you can yell back and forward. But in a better context more serious, more logical context this will be fine.

Secondly the term "Atheist" is a little bizarre, a fact admitted by Sam Harris and the now deceased Hitchens.

Harris makes some excellent points about it here:

The Problem with Atheism

However, lets take Tyson's third and final example and use it against him. 

If golfers were to start gathering together and trying to affect national policy, arguing how every mother must force her child to learn about gold in school and only practice golf and perhaps the golfists started distributing disturbing literature about "golf being the only sport that leads to happiness" and maybe the golfists started saying how more land should be given to golf. I think Tyson might start thinking "wtf is going on here!!". So it's clear the infidel and atheist movement is the counter movement to religion, and in some sense religion needs a strong counter movement, just look at the last two thousand years Tyson! 

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