Open Challenge To Debate Nick Duncan - (Matt Dillahunty's Atheist Fanboy)

Nick Duncan (to the left in this pic) is an Atheist who attempted to salvage the horrendous debate performance produced by Matt Dillahunty by engaging in a post-debate "mini-debate". Duncan in a short sighted moment decided he would try to reproduce all the epistemic failures of Matt's world view and reapply them upon the Christian world view and then equally assert his own untenable "presuppositions" otherwise known as fideism. The attempt at damage control was rather confirmatory of Sye Ten's transparent victory. Even the attempt at such a stunt was an effort to make Sye appear just as epistemically clueless and irrational as Matt, (coincidentally) something Matt could ultimately not achieve in his debate. After I had viewed this "mini-debate" I decided to issue a challenge to Mr. Nick Duncan:

A few hours after I issued this challenge to Nick Duncan the "mini-debate" in the provided link was removed offline, the video is no longer available.

Why was the video removed? I thought Nick and Matt did such a "great job":

Surely these guys don't need to remove such easy wins?

Nick Duncan's counter-arguments reminded me so much of my own non-answers to Pressupositionalist Apologetics as an Atheist, that in some ways I am impressed with Nick for being a clever thinker. Being clever or intelligent however has nothing to do with having an account for intelligence grounded in absolute transcendent universal logic which no atheist world view to date has provided a coherent framework for. Duncan's thinking then is not rooted in any objective reality or ground in logic. I am therefore open and willing to debate the validity of his unconvincing replies:

Nick as soon as you are ready I will be waiting


Nick has spoken to me and pointed out the original video has now been transferred to another channel:


  1. I heard that there was one person on the planet other than Sye who thought Sye won when he was actually beaten bloody. Was wondering who he was and it turned out to be you.

  2. Jack Butler Matt doesn't know whether he won the debate, he doesn't even know if he is a brain in a vat. How are you any different to Matt?

  3. Sye destroyed matt, the brain in the vat.

    1. "Sye destroyed matt, the brain in the vat."

      Sorry, Matt dillahunty doesn't think he's brain in a vat. Sye's only argument is to go around claiming he has absolute knowledge because he thinks he does, while repeat "how do you know that" over and over and over again. He's a disingenuous asshole.

    2. "Sye destroyed matt, the brain in the vat."

      Sorry, Matt dillahunty doesn't think he's brain in a vat. Sye's only argument is to go around claiming he has absolute knowledge because he thinks he does, while repeat "how do you know that" over and over and over again. He's a disingenuous asshole.
