Another one bites the DUST: CT West Coast Exposed Again
AM) Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a
General Audience including minors.
Offensive language is not permitted.
(08:27 AM)
Alert: This is a place for people to debate the pros and cons of Islam,
Christianity and Judaism.
(08:27 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: this is on him alone
Dk-man7: AM
Dk-man7: AM
(08:27 AM)
JaiHabor: wb dk
(08:28 AM)
Thranduil432: is Jax's 5 mins up yet?
(08:28 AM)
FlipFlops1: ok i wont blme his prents
(08:28 AM)
Alert: You have invited CHRISTTHEWAY24
Dk-man7: WHERE
(08:28 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: thran that 5 min red dot is to low
(08:28 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: did u see his words?
(08:28 AM)
richdrummer: right behind u
(08:28 AM)
FlipFlops1: no thrand
(08:28 AM)
FlipFlops1: give him 50 mins
(08:29 AM)
Thranduil432: yeah, he was pretty bad
(08:29 AM)
FlipFlops1: or 50 years
(08:29 AM)
FlipFlops1: lol
(08:29 AM)
richdrummer: ct ,, can u forgive ,,u must realize that any ignorance aimed at
the son or god ,,has no bearing on them or the eturnal love we all desire
(08:29 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: yes i can forgive , but punishment also needs to happen
(08:30 AM) ***
ConstantineTheGreat has left the room ***
(08:30 AM)
FlipFlops1: jaxal would have been stoned for this
(08:30 AM)
FlipFlops1: if he had insulted prophet muhamaed
Dk-man7: CT.
support our brothers and sisters in Islam
Dk-man7: not
the pagan xtianity
(08:31 AM)
JaiHabor: flipflips1, what is the penalty for insulting allah?
(08:32 AM)
FlipFlops1: death
(08:32 AM)
Thranduil432: Dr, should we give Jax another chance?
(08:32 AM)
JaiHabor: flipflops1**
(08:32 AM)
FlipFlops1: with an axe
(08:32 AM)
JaiHabor: according to what?
(08:32 AM)
FlipFlops1: to me lol
(08:32 AM)
FlipFlops1: sheesh
(08:33 AM)
JaiHabor: and are you a sheikh or something?
(08:33 AM)
FlipFlops1: insulting God is even worse
(08:33 AM)
JaiHabor: that isn't a worse punishment though, death is death.
(08:33 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: hi thran, ok
(08:34 AM) ***
thinker000 has joined the room ***
(08:34 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: thakn you for the undot
(08:34 AM) ***
thinker000 has left the room ***
(08:34 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: so any particular topics going on in this room?
(08:35 AM)
Thranduil432: well, as usual the muslims are attacking the deity of Jesus
(08:35 AM)
JaiHabor: I'm curious how Muslims determine punishments for their so-called
(08:35 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: 'diety' of jesus... in inverted commas
(08:35 AM)
JaiHabor: it seems quite arbitrarily to me
(08:35 AM) ***
aadam25_Quba has joined the room ***
(08:35 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: how do you know he was a diety
(08:35 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: thranduil?
(08:36 AM)
Thranduil432: why do you spell deity the wrong way
(08:36 AM) ***
aadam25_Quba has left the room ***
(08:36 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: as long as you get what i say, spellings do not matter
(08:36 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: Jesus is not deity , everything points to him as being a non-deity
(08:36 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: true ct
(08:36 AM)
Thranduil432: he is deity because the NT and OT say so
(08:36 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: ahhhhhh
(08:36 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: because a BOOK says soo
(08:36 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: lol
(08:37 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: how intelligent
(08:37 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: Thran , actually u are wrong......the Book doesnt even say so
Dk-man7: CT
come to the mic and present your case
(08:37 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: you appeal to a book and do Eisegetical gymnastics
(08:37 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: he has no case to present
Dk-man7: Go
ahead CT
(08:37 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: excepct pasages from a BOOK
(08:37 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: lol
Dk-man7: don't
be afraid
(08:37 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: i ahve a book that says tinker bells is real
(08:37 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: thranduil makes the claim of jesus deity , yet provides nothing
(08:38 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: and the verses he provides are easily refuted
(08:38 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: do you think i can cohessively present the case that tinker bell
was REAL?
(08:38 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: contextually
Dk-man7: CT
come to mic
(08:38 AM)
JaiHabor: CT what about Isaiah 9:6 ?
(08:38 AM)
FlipFlops1: I am glad you dont worship jesus
(08:38 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: who is NOT glad that they do NOT worhship a false god?
(08:38 AM)
JaiHabor: as for prophecies in the OT about the Messiah
(08:38 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: jesus is messiah , but he is not God
(08:39 AM)
JaiHabor: yes.. but that passage says He will be titled mighty God
(08:39 AM)
JaiHabor: that the Messiah will be
(08:39 AM)
JaiHabor: in my understanding of the passage
Dk-man7: (08:38 AM) CT_wESt CoaSt: jesus
is messiah , but he is not God<< what proof do you have
(08:40 AM)
FlipFlops1: jesus saidd worship the father
Dk-man7: where
is your proof Jesus is the Messiah
Dk-man7: what
is your proof the Messiah is not divine
Dk-man7: ?
(08:40 AM)
JaiHabor: Jesus also said if we search the OT we find Him ..

(08:40 AM)
JaiHabor: (( John 5:39-40 ))
(08:41 AM)
JaiHabor: g l or i o u s
(08:42 AM)
JaiHabor: amazing... did any other prophet make that claim?
(08:42 AM) ***
LoveLifer123 has joined the room ***
(08:42 AM)
JaiHabor: did Isaiah ever say, study the torah and you will find me?
(08:42 AM)
LoveLifer123: hi
(08:42 AM)
JaiHabor: did Jeremiah claim if we study the torah we will come to know him?
Dk-man7: anyone
who says Messiah Ben David is *not* divine, will need to explain how the
Messiah is eternal
(08:42 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: jesus being profesied in the OT doesnt meen he is God lol
(08:42 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: unreal
(08:42 AM)
JaiHabor: God did.. Jesus did ..
Dk-man7: CT
stop wasting time and answer
Dk-man7: What
is your proof Jesus is the Messiah
(08:42 AM)
JaiHabor: I mention Isaiah 9:6 "he will be titled ... mighty God"
Dk-man7: What
is the Messiah?
Dk-man7: Then
show us proof the Messiah was never thought of as divine
Dk-man7: CT ON
(08:45 AM)
JaiHabor: so I was reading Michael Rydelnik's book
(08:45 AM)
JaiHabor: messianic hope: is the hebrew bible really messianic
(08:45 AM)
JaiHabor: (something like that)
(08:45 AM)
JaiHabor: and I'm reading the section on Isaiah 7-11
(08:45 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: if i was a whore during a time where adultry was punished by
stoning, i would also claim that my pregnant belly was the result of god ( as
opposed to a client impregnating me ) and that my child would be the son of god
(08:45 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: all to escape the horrible death by stoning
(08:45 AM)
LoveLifer123: Just was in the Answering Christianity room and got dotted for
saying no 'plurality of majesty' existed when Genesis was written
(08:45 AM)
JaiHabor: jaxal must be Jewish
(08:46 AM) JaiHabor:
(08:46 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: is it not POSSIBLE, that mary was mayube not so pure?
(08:46 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: isia 9 6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is
given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God (EL Gibor), The everlasting Father, The Prince
of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end,
upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish
it with justice and righteousness from hence forth even forever. The zeal of
the Lord of hosts will perform this.
(Isaiah 9:6-7)"
Dk-man7: LoverLifer,
don't you know? facts are a dottable offense
(08:46 AM)
JaiHabor: yes CT
(08:46 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: LOL DK
(08:46 AM)
JaiHabor: exactly
(08:46 AM)
LoveLifer123: lol DK yeah
(08:46 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: Psalm 82:6 "I said,
'You are "gods" (Elohim; plural to El); you are all sons of the Most
High.' "
(08:46 AM)
JaiHabor: el gibor .. mighty god
(08:47 AM)
JaiHabor: elohim is the plural of eloah, elim is the plural of el
(08:47 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: jesus even points to the jews
(08:47 AM)
JaiHabor: but ok .. whats the point
(08:47 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: and tells them scripture says you are GODS
(08:47 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: gods*
Dk-man7: lmao
Dk-man7: really
that's his answer?
Dk-man7: CT
honestly you are more retarded than a Muslim
(08:47 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: scripture refers to people as gods
(08:47 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: ct so u believe now that Jesus as "a son of God" is on
the same level with prophets and us?
Dk-man7: That's
like a Muslim quoting "You are like God unto Pharaoah" referring to
Dk-man7: CT
honestly come up with some better arguments
(08:48 AM)
LoveLifer123: HI ct. 'god' or 'gods' can also refer to 'ruler' or 'righteous
Dk-man7: That's
just embarrasing
(08:48 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: it doesnt make him God almighty himself is the point
(08:48 AM)
JaiHabor: CT, look at Isaiah 10:21
Dk-man7: el
gibbor is the very same term used of YHVH in the next chapter 10:21
(08:49 AM)
JaiHabor: the same phrasing is used for Yahweh
Dk-man7: CT u
are a time waster
(08:49 AM)
JaiHabor: are we going to argue Yahweh is not the mighty God?
(08:49 AM)
LoveLifer123: elohim can refer to other gods
(08:49 AM)
JaiHabor: the divine council deals with psalm 82
(08:49 AM)
JaiHabor: semitic language scholar
Dk-man7: CT
still running from the question: WHAT IS THE MESSIAH, prove that JESUS IS THE
Dk-man7: GO
(08:50 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: Elijah. This name is short
for EliJehovah or "Eli Yahweh".
Eli means my GOD, and Yahweh is the name and title of GOD Almighty in
the Bible. Does "Eli Yahweh"
or Elijah mean that the person is Jehovah Himself?
(08:51 AM)
JaiHabor: CT .. wow
(08:51 AM)
JaiHabor: that is anthony buzzard style of argument
Dk-man7: CT,
you can't be that clueless
(08:51 AM)
JaiHabor: eli yahu = my god is yahweh ..
Dk-man7: CT -
Elijah is a theophoric noun
Dk-man7: CT
none of the names mentioned in ISaiah 9:6 are abbreviated names of prophets
describing the characteristics of God
Dk-man7: CT the
names in Isaiah 9:6 are describing the characteristics of the child
Dk-man7: read
the verse again
(08:52 AM)
JaiHabor: even brother moshe ben maimon applies Isaiah 9:6 to the messiah
son of david
Dk-man7: For
unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be
UPON HIS SHOULDER; and HIS NAME shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty
God (EL Gibor), The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of
HIS government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and
upon HIS KINGDOM, to order it, and to establish it with justice and righteousness
from hence forth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform
this. (Isaiah 9:6-7)"
(08:54 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: OT scripture verses shows people are called gods
Dk-man7: anyway
this dude is brain dead to continue
(08:54 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: but they are not the almighty God
Dk-man7: ok the
mighty God is not Almighty God
Dk-man7: we
Dk-man7: LOL
(08:55 AM)
FlipFlops1: hmm
Dk-man7: a
title used exclusively of Yahweh in the Hebrew Bible is not Almighty God
Dk-man7: LOLLLL
(08:55 AM)
FlipFlops1: i need to read OT
(08:55 AM)
JaiHabor: yes, check into it
Dk-man7: Well
it was fun smoking CT
Dk-man7: any
other Muslims, stepping up ?
(08:56 AM)
FlipFlops1: if people are called Gods
(08:56 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: dk man , i dont take u serious
(08:56 AM)
JaiHabor: Flip are you a muslima?
(08:56 AM)
FlipFlops1: doesnt mean they are God
(08:56 AM)
FlipFlops1: not really
(08:56 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: yes , thats my point flip
(08:56 AM)
FlipFlops1: im seeking truth
Dk-man7: Jesus
is not called *a god*. As we just demonstrated
(08:56 AM)
JaiHabor: I see
Dk-man7: Stop
wasting our time
(08:57 AM)
JaiHabor: so you are in similar positions
(08:57 AM)
LoveLifer123: yes but el gibbor isn't used the way elohim is used for 'gods' or
(08:57 AM)
FlipFlops1: well pose your proof
(08:57 AM)
FlipFlops1: poste
(08:57 AM)
LoveLifer123: el gibbor is used for the almighty
(08:58 AM)
JaiHabor: or .. the mighty
Dk-man7: no
(08:58 AM)
LoveLifer123: yes jail
(08:58 AM)
LoveLifer123: mighty
Dk-man7: El
Gibbor is referring to the false gods in Psalms 82
Dk-man7: just
Dk-man7: sakdghl;adsgh;alsdkhas
Dk-man7: dsagadshgsadk;ghdals;
(08:59 AM)
JaiHabor: interestingly the name Gabriel is compiled of the same words El
Gibor is ..
(08:59 AM)
LoveLifer123: oh ok dk i believe it isn;t ALWAYS used to refer to 'the' mighty
(08:59 AM)
FlipFlops1: so Gabriel is God almigzhty?
(08:59 AM)
FlipFlops1: almighty
(09:00 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: gabriel... the almight...
(09:00 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: oh jesus...
(09:00 AM) JaXaL
Rewritten: lol
(09:00 AM)
JaiHabor: Gabriel can be broken down into a few different meanings, man of
God or God is mighty . . .
(09:00 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: lmaoooo
Dk-man7: well
Jibreel is Almighty Holy Spirit in the Quran where he breathes into Mary's
vagina and creates a child.
(09:00 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: now gabriel is ALMIGHTY GOD
(09:00 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: sheesh , christians strecth
(09:01 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: lol
(09:01 AM)
JaiHabor: didn't say that
(09:01 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: stretch*
(09:01 AM)
JaiHabor: but ok
Dk-man7: as for
the Bible , Jibreel is just a messenger
(09:01 AM)
FlipFlops1: the verse u sent says he will be called mighty God
(09:02 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: "El Gibor" and "Gabriel" are same thing. They
both mean "Strong God". "Gabriel" is an angel's name in the
(09:02 AM)
FlipFlops1: if people call him that doesnt mean he is God almighty
(09:02 AM)
JaiHabor: so is Jesus the mighty God?
Dk-man7: but CT
said Jesus was not God
(09:02 AM)
FlipFlops1: people call him that
Dk-man7: whoops
(09:02 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: The word "Gibor" in Isaiah 9:6 and the word
"Gibor" of Gabriel have exactly the same root, and they are both the
same word. The word itself can also be
translated as "Man of God".
Dk-man7: lol
(09:02 AM)
FlipFlops1: people saay a lot
(09:02 AM)
FlipFlops1: lol
(09:02 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: Jesus is Not God almighty 

(09:03 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: i agree
Dk-man7: Notice
he changes his statement now
(09:03 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: but jesus even quotes the OT to those Jews
Dk-man7: First
he said Jesus is not God
(09:03 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: and says what DK?
(09:03 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: are we not called gods 

Dk-man7: now he
says Jesus is not God Almighty
Dk-man7: Since
he had to admit he's a polytheist
Dk-man7: CT,
how many Gods do you believe in ?
(09:03 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: the JEWS tried to claim he was saying he is ALMIGHTY GOD
(09:03 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: but jesus corrects them and says nope
(09:03 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: but are we not called gods
(09:03 AM)
LoveLifer123: dk i'm looking for el gibbor in psalm 82 for false gods can u post
(09:03 AM) CT_wESt

Dk-man7: CT, is
the Messiah , Mighty God ?
Dk-man7: CT you
are on slippery slope
(09:04 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: this is why jesus quotes the OT to say hey guys stop accusing me
(09:04 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: i am not
Dk-man7: CT, is
the Messiah, Mighty God ?
(09:04 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: its very obvious the context
Dk-man7: CT,
(09:04 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: dk on ignore
Dk-man7: CT so
you believe in two gods ?
Dk-man7: one
almighty God, and another mighty god?
Dk-man7: is
that correct?
Dk-man7: LOL
(09:05 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: but i will say are we not gods
(09:05 AM)
LoveLifer123: ct he meant to say: if they who were just mean were dignified
enough to be called 'gods' or rulers, how much more should He be called God who
is by nature
(09:05 AM)
LoveLifer123: men
(09:05 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: this was jesus response to those jews
Dk-man7: Loveliver,
reread my statement about CT , I Was taking the piss.
(09:05 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: "EL" can also mean "Judge". So "El Gibor" can also be
translated as "Strong Judge"
(09:06 AM) LoveLifer123:
yeah dk just trying to fing where el gibbor refers to false gods
Dk-man7: Lovelifer
Dk-man7: Do you
know what satire is
(09:06 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: ct, actually when Jesus said "ye are gods" in the
context he claims to have more right to be called God since he is the Son set
appart and sent into the world
Dk-man7: reread
the statement
(09:06 AM)
LoveLifer123: oh you were joking? lol
(09:06 AM)
LoveLifer123: sirry dk
(09:06 AM)
LoveLifer123: sorry
(09:06 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: Hezekiah is called "the mighty God" because this name is
a sign that foretells God's defense of Jerusalem through the miraculous sudden
mass death of Sennacherib's army
Dk-man7: now CT
is copying from Jews for Judaism
(09:07 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: wrong chill , he is telling them....listen guys stop telling me i
am almighty GOD
(09:07 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: he is saying me and you are called gods
(09:07 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: so are they almighty God chill?
(09:07 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: notice how the context is chill
(09:07 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: ct, thats ur interpretation, Jesus explained his point by claiming
that he has the right to be called God as the Son sent into the world
(09:07 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: they first claim he is ALIGHTY GOD
(09:08 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: his response is what ?
(09:08 AM)
LoveLifer123: yes exactly dr chilosophy that is what Jesus was saying, that He
haseven more rigth to be called God
(09:08 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: the very next verse shows that
(09:08 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: wrong lifer
(09:08 AM)
LoveLifer123: CT he would have denied it altogether if he wasn;t
(09:08 AM)
LoveLifer123: henever did
Dk-man7: Jai
are you there?
Dk-man7: I just
googled CT's quote
(09:08 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: ct why else would Jesus say afterwards that he is the Son set
appart and sent into the world?
(09:08 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: he did deny it lifer.........this is why he respned with the OT

Dk-man7: It's a
direct quotation from JEWS FOR JUDAISM
(09:09 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: in verse 34
(09:09 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: why would he say that right after it?
Dk-man7: Hezekiah
is called "the mighty God" because this name is a sign that foretells
God's defense of Jerusalem through the miraculous sudden mass death of
Sennacherib's army
(09:09 AM)
LoveLifer123: they all believed he was claiming to be God and he did not deny it
(09:09 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: Context shows
Dk-man7: _
(09:09 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: wrong , the JEWS MADE THE CLAIM
(09:09 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: jesus corrected them
(09:09 AM)
LoveLifer123: in fact He died because He claimed to be the 'Son' of God
(09:09 AM)
LoveLifer123: which they understood to mean he was claiming divinity
(09:10 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: wrong do u realize LIFER that you and chrstendom are actually
beliving JESUS is GOD based on what they accused him of???
(09:10 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: unreal
(09:10 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: and this is why Jesus mentioned the OT verse "are we not
Dk-man7: CT who
confesses Jesus is the *Messiah* just went to a counter-missionary website to
prove Jesus isn't the Messiah and Mighty God spoken of by the prophet Messiah
Dk-man7: CT you
gotta stop handing yourself
Dk-man7: It's
(09:11 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: so lifer you sir are ACTUALLY in error like those JEWS
Dk-man7: And
(09:11 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: who claimed he is ALMIGHTY GOD
(09:11 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: ct, u can interpretate it ur way, i dont deny that, but there is
room for another interpretation supported by the context, which is that Jesus
claimed to have the right to be called God since he is the Son of God who was
set appart and sent into the world
(09:11 AM)
LoveLifer123: I thinkJesus Christ made it clear He was God, CT and so did the
apostle John in John 1 and Peter in Acts 3:15
(09:11 AM)
LoveLifer123: and in many other places
(09:12 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: LIFER so basically because the jews made a false claim of jesus
"CLAIMING TO BE GOD" you believe he is GOD?
(09:12 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: this is basically what u are
(09:12 AM)
LoveLifer123: CT who would ever say 'I AM the Resurrection"? if they
weren;t God
(09:12 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: study the context
(09:13 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: eveyrthing Jesus said was based on doing GODS will
(09:13 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: not because he was GOD
(09:13 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: get real
(09:13 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: the context is clear
(09:14 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: Jesus even states this
(09:14 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: all throughout scripture
(09:14 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: yet Christians want to do eisegetical gymnastics
(09:14 AM)
LoveLifer123: yes, because of His great humility and submission in His humanity
which was always ONE AND UNITED PERFECTLY with the Father in the Godhead
(09:14 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: to create a false doctrine
(09:14 AM) Dr
Chillosophy: so ct, there would have been absolutely no reason for Jesus to say
after it that he is the Son, set appart by God and sent into the world.. if ur
interpretation is right
(09:14 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: of course they are UNITED IN PURPOSE LIFER
(09:14 AM) CT_wESt
CoaSt: this doesnt meen JESUS IS GOD
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